

Chuanhuo · National Trend Cultural Theme Restaurant

通过对中国传统文化元素和当代潮流符号以“蒸汽朋克 ”的设计手法于同一时空中产生新旧碰撞、嫁接、直至融合,视觉系统的构建亦遵循扁平化的视觉符号输出,最终呈现出强烈的视觉冲击又高度统一的新潮餐饮空间沉浸式体验,传达出川火品牌的精髓与价值。

Through a “steampunk” design approach, traditional Chinese cultural elements and contemporary trendy symbols collide, graft and eventually fuse with the old and the new in the identical space and time, while the construction of the visual system also adheres to a flat visual symbol output, which ultimately delivers a new trendy dining space immersive experience with intense visual impact and a high degree of unity, thereby delivering the essence and value of the Chuanhuo brand.



Red, one of the classic colors adopted in traditional Chinese architecture, signifies celebration and grandness in traditional culture, while also intuitively echoing the fiery enthusiasm of Sichuan cuisine, one of the four major cuisines in China, which renders flame-like passion and openness.

The integral space color is highly compatible with the brand theme culture and spirit of Chuanhuo.


The spatial installation wall in the reception area introduces architectural thinking, with a striking matrix of sequences and hierarchical shapes formed by geometric proportions. The interior of the wall is manually constructed with bricks made of stainless steel, which is inspired by the red brick element commonly employed in ancient Chinese architecture. In conjunction with the red metal mesh, the wall is lightly wrapped with an innovative material and technique to accomplish a collision and fusion between the old and the new, which has endowed the spatial field and traditional culture with new vitality.


In contrast to the consistent bright layout of traditional restaurants, Chuanhuo as a whole exhibits a space atmosphere of dark tones, which reveals a sense of more mystery and rhythm. With the ingenious rendering of well-designed lighting system, it appears to be transparent and non-transparent, which stimulates the curiosity of people and initiates food exploration along the path, making it more topical and experiential in the new era.


For the sake of accentuating the brand theme and interestingness of the space, the design has chosen to introduce a distinctive mahjong element installation on the entrance side based on a large-scale dark stainless steel brick wall, which elaborates and exhibits the traditional activity of playing mahjong, an indispensable part of the life of Sichuan people in a modern and trendy manner. This mahjong art wall with custom-made red shaped lines of original furniture regularly draws people to stop and admire, and take photos for memory, which invariably conveys the vision and value of the brand.

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